SETUP COMPANY registration


*Money laundering, Terrorist financing, Tax evasion, Dealing with Sanctioned Countries directly or indirectly, Fraud and illegal activities are prohibited*

Set up Singapore private limited  company (PTe ltd)  if you have your own local director

  • Incorporation : S$600
  • Company secretary : S$840 per year
  • Registered address : S$390 per year
  • Postal Deposit : S$100
  • Bank account opening (DBS/OCBC/UOB) : S$250 (subject to bank’s approval)

TOTAL: S$2,180

  *Director – As required by Singapore Law, a company must have at least one local director ( either Singapore Citizen/ Singapore Permanent Resident)

Set up  Singapore  Private limited  company if we provide local nominee director

  • Incorporation : S$600
  • Company secretary : S$840 per year
  • Local Nominee Director : S$6,000* per year
  • Local Nominee Director (refundable security deposit ) : S$3,000*
  • Registered address : S$390 per year
  • Postal Deposit : S$100
  • Bank account opening (DBS/OCBC/UOB) : S$250 (subject to bank’s approval)


TOTAL: S$11,180 (including refundable deposit of S$3,000)


*Director – As required by Singapore Law, a company must have at least one local director ( either Singapore Citizen/ Singapore Permanent Resident)

#Shareholder – Foreigner is able to hold 100% shares

Set UP british virgin islands company (BVI)

  • Incorporation : US$1,100 *
  • Corporate secretary : US$600 per year
  • Registered address : US$300 per year
  • Postal Deposit : US$100
  • Certificate of incumbency : US$165
  • Bank account opening (DBS/OCBC/UOB) : US$650 (subject to bank’s approval)


TOTAL : US$2,915   *BVI Government and Registered Agent Annual Renewal fee : US$900

Set up Marshall Islands company (mi)

  • Incorporation : US$1,100 *
  • Corporate secretary : US$600 per year
  • Registered address : US$300 per year
  • Postal Deposit : US$100
  • Certificate of incumbency : US$165
  • Bank account opening (DBS/OCBC/UOB) : US$650 (subject to bank’s approval

TOTAL : US$2,915

  *MI Government and Registered Agent Annual Renewal fee : US$900

MORE Services

ACCOUNTING, tAXation, strike off of company

Accounting, Bookkeeping, Drafting of financial statements, Consolidation of companies, GST application,  GST reporting and filing, Corporate Tax, Filing of Form C or Form CS, Tax computation and Personal Tax

payroll services

Payroll service, CPF application , CPF submission, Secondment of staff


Singapore Ministry of Manpower (MOM) Employment Pass application (EP), S Pass application, Dependent Pass (DP)


Statutory audit based on Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (SFRS) and Singapore Companies Act; and Audit Sales Certification, Gross Turnover Sales Certification (GTO) etc


We are Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority ACRA company registry approved filing agents since 2005,  we provide committed, reliable and trusted professional services such as Singapore company registration in Singapore, how to register a company in British Virgin Islands BVI, registering a business in Marshall Islands, audit, accounting, bookkeeping, taxation, payroll, audit sales certification GTO, Employment Pass (EP)  etc.

ttpmpll_2lcWe offer specialized services that assist foreigners and Singapore residents in setting up businesses in Singapore, British Virgin Islands (BVI) and Marshall Islands (MI). Our dedicated services also extended to areas such as auditing, accounting, secretarial, taxation, Singapore company registration, employment pass application, nominee local directorship and business advice.Singapore company registration



We believe that creating growth is only helpful if the company is able to continue. Destroying a company’s spirit in the interest of growth only leads to a failed enterprise. Singapore company registration

Because of this value, we’re always happy to go above and beyond for your company, reaching out to our extensive network of contact to develop the perfect program so your company can realize an amazing level of dynamic growth. Singapore company registration

We don’t want you to change. We’ll help you get there without sacrificing your values.

Over the years of operations, our expertise and resources have assisted numerous Multinational Corporations (MNCs) and Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Singapore and Globally in setting up business in Singapore, British Virgin Islands (BVI), Marshall Islands (MI) and maintaining companies in good standing.Singapore company registration

Company formation in Singapore and assisting foreign individuals/companies to start a company offshore businesses of their own is one our major areas of expertise. Our well qualified team of experts can not only provide information regarding the rules and regulations in Singapore but also assist you with the application and formation of Singapore company register. We assist in how to register a company in Singapore , BVI and Marshall Islands. Singapore company registration.


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Paul d.

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We are IRAS Accredited Tax Professionals

We are Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) Accredited Filing Agents. Our independent affiliate is ACRA Approved Licensed Auditors/ Public Accountants.  

We are IRAS Tax Agents

We are Practising Member of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants UK (ACCA)

We are Chartered Accountant Singapore Accredited Training Organisation (ATO)  

Our independent affiliated company is Ministry of Manpower (MOM) Licensed Employment Agency (EA)      
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